Decoding the world around us Part 1 of 5
Course Price
Course length
60 minutes

Tiberui Iacomi
Chief Probability Observer, The Improbable Agency
About the course
This course is intended for 7 to 10 year olds who manifest an ongoing curiosity about the world around them. That's it. There is no other requirement. This means that this course is for all kids aged 7 to 10, not only for the ones that may become passionate about coding and would want to become programmers when they grow up.
Coding is, first and foremost, about decoding. Understanding complex concepts, deconstructing them and building new things step-by-step. And this is what coding brings to kids - not only the potential of a well-paid job in the IT industry but the modern global competencies that have been promoted in all forward thinking educational systems - from Australia to Singapore and up to Finland. Competencies such as critical thinking, collaboration and creativity.
Throughout the 5 weeks of the course, students will start developing these essential skills in a gamified environment, from competing in racing games based on their knowledge of math, geography or languages on Arcademics to creating their own characters and stories in Scratch up to controlling their own superheroes through lines of code in CodeCombat.